by Joseph Forbes | Oct 25, 2021 | Blog Entry, Notifications, Technicals, Updates
We made another broadside improvement to our MeshCentral Server. We have reached version 0.9.39, which includes a bunch of fixes to the MeshCentral Agents, and the Router software. The updates are listed on GitHub, but you can bet we are about to start working on our...
by Joseph Forbes | Oct 13, 2021 | Blog Entry, Maintenance, Notifications, Troubleshooting, Updates
In this update, email notifications are fixed/resolved. We have had issues with our SMTP settings, for when MeshCentral tries to send a auth/verification/notice email. If things were done correctly, we also resolved Group Notification to inform Admin(s) user of...
by Joseph Forbes | Oct 12, 2021 | Blog
What is nice about this new update, is that we have improved our MeshAgent installer. Group & User management has been improved to allow for assigning permissions and access to remote workstations. MeshRouter a Port Manager that allows for RDP session management,...
by Joseph Forbes | Oct 8, 2021 | Blog, KnowledgeBase (KB), Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Updates, Web Hosting
Our MeshCentral is back online, all client MeshAgents reporting into the server as expected. Report – We performed updates to Windows Server 2019. After a restart, a service (IIS) kicked in, and took over Port 80. Node.js with it’s HTTP redirector changed...
by Joseph Forbes | Oct 8, 2021 | Blog Entry, KnowledgeBase (KB), Maintenance, Technical Support, Web Hosting
Determined the issue was the HTTP redirect service, detected the AD DS and a IIS instance running on Port 80. So even if we got MeshCentral settings fixed, Node.js service running the “wrapper” that hosts the MeshCentral website, kept detecting Port 80 in...