by Joseph Forbes | Jun 6, 2015 | Blog Entry, TECHNOLOGY
Hey All, Well I haven’;t had the time until lately to get back to putting things back together. I’ve been patiently waiting for all my spare parts and replacements to come in. Thus far, I got my 8-LED Nav light kit, which adds realism to the Littlebird....
by Joseph Forbes | May 27, 2015 | Blog Entry, TECHNOLOGY
Over the past month many of the “replacement parts” I ordered ahead of time, have finally arrived. For the most part, other hobbyists suggested to always have spare parts. Just in case of crashes, or defects. I am aware of something weird with my...
by Joseph Forbes | May 20, 2015 | Blog Entry, TECHNOLOGY
Since the last post, I’ve been able to rebuild the Littlebird to a point where it fly’s again. I’m still waiting on my laundry list of replacement parts to arrive, and I’m having some communication problem with’s customer...
by Joseph Forbes | May 18, 2015 | Blog Entry, TECHNOLOGY
Welp, I crashed the heck out of my Littlebird. The main thing that happened was I took it over a tree, lost line of sight with it, and didn’t counteract my initial response, so it nosedived into the ground. So I’ll draw you a story. I’m walking out...
by Joseph Forbes | May 15, 2015 | Blog Entry, TECHNOLOGY
I purchased into a hobby that I really hope will be fun and entertaining to me as it can be for others who read through my posts. So what did I get you ask? An R/C scale Hughs MD-500, “Military Defender” series. Also known as the...