I am familiar with Linux on my personal computer yet I have no experience in administrating systems. As a side job to university I applied to a job that requires some skills in administration and I wonder what skills I should work on for the interview.  -Intern Geek

From a Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator experience…

  • Understand and use essential tools for handling files, directories, command-line environments, and documentation
  • Operate running systems, including booting into different run levels, identifying processes, starting and stopping virtual machines, and controlling services
  • Configure local storage using partitions and logical volumes
  • Create and configure file systems and file system attributes, such as permissions, encryption, access control lists, and network file systems
  • Deploy, configure, and maintain systems, including software installation, update, and core services
  • Manage users and groups, including use of a centralized directory for authentication
  • Manage security, including basic firewall and SELinux configuration

Basic Knowledge List for Linux Administrator :

  1. Basic commands (listing, cat, removing files/dir, nano, vi editor, more, tail etc )
  2. LVM
  3. User Authentication (user add, remove, lock, unlock, home dir, ssh access)
  4. Group Administration (group add, remove, sudo group)
  5. Using SSH, Disabling root for ssh access & using sudo
  6. Installing programs using rpm & yum (configuring yum)
  7. Configuring a network (basics)
  8. Types of process & Managing process (basics)
  9. Kill signals
  10. Backup and restore
  11. Types of Run levels
  12. NFS, Samba, NIS (basics)
  13. Cron and At Jobs
  14. FTP & using Filezilla (easy)
  15. Booting process
  16. Kernel Parameters (basics)
  17. Top, Nice values
  18. Services
  19. Scripting (very basic)

To clear a interview, I suggest to polish your skills depending on the company

For Example

If the company runs Web or DB Servers, then you should be familiar with installing LAMP Server and phpMyAdmin, mail servers and configuring them (which is absolutely very easy) & hardening of a server (basics)

(Tutorials: Tutorials | DigitalOcean , Hardening : How to secure an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server – Part 1 The Basics)

If you land on some big company then your first work will be monitoring system performance with maintaining a running environment. Be able to add additional systems

And at last learn some basics of Ubuntu commands (commands for installing packages in Ubuntu are different when compared to Red-hat but with the basics understood, you’ll be able to admin most common environments.).

 Throughout the 2017 year I will be posting follow up details to Linux training. Eventually I’ll have some webinars for average user training in Linux.

Joseph Forbes (691)

Information Technology Consultant. For SMB, SOHO, and Online business. From Computers to Telecommunications this guy has been into it since hippies made it hip. Drone Pilot and Tech Aficionado I get to travel the State of Texas to help businesses succeed.