from the give-the-people-what-we-have dept.
Chris Welch at The Verge tells us: ‘Speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference moments ago, Time Warner Cable’s Chief Financial Officer Irene Esteves seemed dismissive of the impact Google Fiber is having on consumers. “We’re in the business of delivering what consumers want, and to stay a little ahead of what we think they will want,” she said when asked about the breakneck internet speeds delivered by Google’s young Kansas City network. “We just don’t see the need of delivering that to consumers.”‘ The article goes on to quote her: ‘…residential customers have thus far shown little interest in TWC’s top internet tiers. “A very small fraction of our customer base” ultimately choose those options.’
Translation : We are TWC, and unless the competition (that doesn’t exist in your area) shows up, we are in no hurry to help you get faster, better, cheaper service.