by Joseph Forbes | Mar 5, 2013 | Blog Entry, INTERNET, SECURITY, Technicals
from the embrace-the-slack dept. Microsoft has published an explanation of the failure of Windows Azure earlier this month. Users of the Azure storage saw that an SSL certificate had expired. Microsoft’s explanation says that the certificate had in fact been...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 5, 2013 | NERD NEWS
from the admiring-from-afar dept. LG’s reluctance to embrace Windows Phone 8 underscores the difficulties that the platform faces with both consumers and vendor partners. LG was one of the early partners that signed on with Microsoft, releasing the LG Quantum in...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 5, 2013 | Blog Entry, Data Recovery, HACKING, INTERNET, Internet Scam Notices, PRIVACY, SECURITY, Technicals
from the burrs-on-the-heel-of-the-foot-would-be-mercy dept. It appears that two weeks ago my email address got into the wrong database. Since that time there have been continuing attempts to access my accounts and create new accounts in my name. I have received emails...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 5, 2013 | NERD NEWS, SECURITY, Technicals, TECHNOLOGY
San Francisco — Despite the best efforts of cloud service providers and industry groups like the Cloud Security Alliance, cloud security remains a troublesome issue for IT execs. At an RSA session devoted to cloud security, IT security pros complained about the...
from the brought-to-you-by-c-sharp dept. Oracle has once again released an emergency Java update to patch zero-day vulnerabilities in the browser plug-in, the fifth time it has updated the platform this year. Today’s update patches CVE-2013-1493 and...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 4, 2013 | DATA, HACKING, INTERNET, NERD NEWS, SECURITY
The Chinese government has pointed out hundreds of thousands of hacking attacks coming from the US as it continues to defend itself against an analysis conducted by security firm Mandiant. At the same time, Team Cymru, a security organisation from the US, has...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 4, 2013 | Blog Entry, INTERNET, NERD NEWS, Technical Support
from the disk-write-error dept. A Stanford comp-sci student has found a serious bug in Chromium, Safari, Opera, and MSIE. Feross Aboukhadijeh has demonstrated that these browsers allow unbounded local storage. ‘The HTML5 Web Storage standard was developed to...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 4, 2013 | INTERNET, LAW, MONEY, NERD NEWS, PIRACY, PRIVACY, Technicals
Earlier this week the six strikes anti-piracy system finally launched more than a year later than initially planned. One of the things that stood out most was the lack of information released through official channels. On launch day the Center for Copyright...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 4, 2013 | Blog Entry, DATA, HARDWARE, INTERNET, NERD NEWS, SECURITY, Technicals, TECHNOLOGY
At RSA Conference, security execs say using big data for security may be a future issue but it’s a little much right now “I don’t call it Big Data,” I call it garbage data,” said Jerry Sto. Tomas, director of global information security...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 4, 2013 | NERD NEWS
from the don’t-worry-it’s-just-1s-and-0s dept. Officials at the Chinese Defense Ministry say hackers from the U.S. have been attacking Chinese military websites. ‘The sites were subject to about 144,000 hacking attacks each month last year, two...