by Joseph Forbes | Mar 17, 2013 | Blog Entry, HARDWARE, Technical Support
Yesterday a client of mine asked me to go along with him to purchase a new desktop. Income tax refund came in and he wanted to make sure the limited budget he had could afford him a good PC. Saturday afternoon we goto Best Buy (#201) to see what they had in stock....
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 17, 2013 | Blog Entry
from the curbside-charity-pickup dept. My school gave me several circa-2006 computers with no operating system. I fixed them up, and now they run Lubuntu fairly well, making them great internet/LibreOffice/general Linux workstations. I’ve been wanting to donate...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 17, 2013 | DATA, MONEY, NERD NEWS, Technical Support
from the government-happy-to-keep-your-money-a-while-longer dept. Tax refunds for about 600,000 taxpayers claiming an education credit will be delayed, the Internal Revenue Service said on Wednesday, citing a software glitch at some tax-preparation companies,...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 17, 2013 | Blog Entry, HAPPINESS, MONEY
If you feel a bit stagnant in your current role, or just want a way to learn the skills you’ll need to get promoted or move up in your career, find a career mentor. A mentor can offer you the benefit of experience, unbiased advice, and expertise you can learn...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 16, 2013 | Blog Entry
In the meantime, here are some more great bookmarks we’ve recently shared with each other (using Diigo)—along with the comments we wrote at the time. Bessemer Venture Partners’ top 10 laws of ecommerce. Bessemer is a VC company that invests in ecommerce companies....
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 16, 2013 | Blog Entry, Cloud Apps, INTERNET, NERD NEWS
from the so-long-farewell-auf-weidersehen-goodbye dept. According to the official blog, Google Reader is being retired on July 1st, 2013. The main reasoning seems to be its decline in usage over the last few years. Users and developers will be able to retrieve their...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 16, 2013 | Blog Entry, NERD NEWS
from the abort!-abort! dept. According to Ars, ‘The embattled copyright trolling firm Prenda Law is seeking to contain the fallout from a looming identity theft scandal by voluntarily dismissing lawsuits filed by the shell company AF Holdings. A Minnesota man...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 16, 2013 | Blog Entry, MONEY, NERD NEWS, POLITICAL, TECHNOLOGY
from the can’t-put-that-toothpaste-back-in-the-tube dept. We recently discussed what appeared to be a positive response from the Obama administration on the legality of cell phone unlocking. Unfortunately, the Obama administration may not be able to do anything...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 15, 2013 | LAW, NERD NEWS, POLITICAL, PRIVACY
from the hooray-for-the-eff dept. A U.S. District Court Judge in California today ruled that so-called National Security Letters, used by government agencies to force business and organizations to turn over information on citizens, are unconstitutional. Judge Susan...
by Joseph Forbes | Mar 15, 2013 | Blog Entry, Cloud Apps, HAPPINESS, INTERNET
from the deep-imagination dept. Jens Bergensten and the Mojang team have released the latest version of Minecraft — version 1.5, dubbed ‘Redstone.’ Changes and updates include an added redstone comparator, redstone block, hoppers and droppers, light and...